
Presence Scenario in Country

  • 30 crore people still live in extreme poverty in India: UN report
  • The International Labour Organisation (ILO) has stated that the unemployment scenario in India over the last two years has been showing a rising trend.
  • 50% of Indians live below the poverty line.
  • 72.2% of India’s population live in villages and depends on agriculture for subsistence.
  • 1/3rd of India’s population goes hungry to bed everyday.
  • 15,000 farmers/yr have committed suicide due to debts.
  • 93% of workforce is in the informal/unorganized sector and contribute to 60% of the GNP.
  • 90% of rural workforce and +80% of urban workforce have no “marketable skill“ 

Way Ahead and Opportunity

  • 65% of human resources pool under the age of 35
  • 12 millions individuals expected to join workforce every year
  • India one of the fastest growing economy
  • However, there is a great Demand and supply mis-match
  • Campaigns like “Make in India” aiming for making India a global Manufacturing hub
  • “Incredible India” creating lot of opportunities in Travel and Tourism
  • National Skill Development Council created
  • Modular Employable Schemes launched
  • Revised Skill Development Policy is launched

Characteristics of Vocational Training Programs

  • Technical, Relevant & Practical
  • Short Term Duration
  • Multi-Level Programmes
  • Life skill programs (communication, computers and soft skills) included
  • Flexible courses and timings suitable for working manpower
  • Mentoring for Employment & Recruitment
  • Focus on entrepreneur skills and guidance


GS Techno Innovation Pvt. Ltd.( GS) will work on sharing of the strength and resources. We wish to take local connection alongwith the growth. There are various stakeholder involved at local level such as Local Private Schools, Non-government Organisations, and Gram Panchayat etc. called as “Associate” hereinafter:

Strength/support from the Associates:

    • Associates such as Local Private Schools, Non-government Organisations, and Gram Panchayat have various strengths and therefore can help us locally by GS to allow use of the infrastructure which is partially occupied.
    • Local connect: these stakeholders have strong local connect which can help us connect with local people and mobilise students.
    • With the support of these associates we can reach out to school drop outs and the freshers who are looking out for their initial break for the job.
    • Parallel course for those who wish to pursue “skill course” along with the studies.

Moblization Strategy

  • We have involved local public representatives such as MP/MLA/Gram Pradhan of the area to counsel and motivate the students to join skill development programs.
  • We have also mobilized our field executives to educate the students and motivate them to join the course.
  • We also plan to organize camp-based – Kaushal Melas to disseminate information about various skill training options, outline possible career paths and income generation potential.
  • Non-governmental and community-based organizations such as private schools, NGOs and societies etc are being involved in these activities to ensure widest possible reach and create an environment for skilling in the area.
  • All these efforts are being supplemented with specialized and standardized branding and communication packages through mass media and social media.

Value GS Can Provide

  • GS will ensure to provide word class/NSDC/NSQF based courses which can help student get the job or he can become self-employable after attending the course.
  • GS will provide the Trainers well trained by the industry and certified by NSDC.
  • GS will own the domain knowledge and expertise and take foreign collaborations for knowledge and technical know-how.
  • GS will intends to create Technology-video based program which will not only help reduce dependency on the individual but will also help ensure standardisation of the program. The students will be able to go through these video modules form their home for revision.
  • GS will also assist these trainees to either become entrepreneur or find jobs. For females, we will help create self help groups (SHG) so that they can become self dependence by working from their home town.
  • GS will also guide these students to help become entrepreneurs.
  • Associates and GS together bring their expertise. With the strong local connection, GS will be able to scale up its operations.

Keep In Touch

Contact Us

Ram Prakash Sharma


  • +91 9818643534
  • ceogstechno@gmail.com
  • Registered Office: D-15/1, GF, Ardee City, Sector 52, Gurugram, Haryana -122003
  • Head Office:Unit 221. 2nd Floor, JMD Megapolis, Sector 48,, Sohna Road,